Transforming HR in Not-for-Profits: Unleashing the Power of Technology

Karl Wood
4 min readJun 23, 2024


Hey there, fellow changemakers! If you’re in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, you’re probably no stranger to the unique challenges faced. The vast and varied sector encompasses everything from health and education to social welfare and religion. The sector’s impact is immense, with over 600,000 NFPs in Australia employing around 1.3 million people (about 10% of the workforce) and engaging around three million volunteers. We have a strong sense of connection to the communities we serve and a passion for our causes. But let’s be real — our work isn’t easy, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made things tougher.

Leveraging tech to overcome HR challenges in the NFP sector, driving efficiency, compliance, and engagement.

So, let’s dive into the heart of the matter: the HR hurdles we face and how technology can be our secret weapon to overcome them. Ready? Let’s go!

Lack of HR Resources: The Overworked and Underfunded

Let’s start with the elephant in the room—HR resources, or the lack thereof. Cross-functional managers or small, overstretched HR teams frequently juggle HR tasks in many NFPs. Payroll, benefits, time tracking, hiring, grievances, and disciplinary actions — they handle it all. Without the magic of automation, these tasks become a never-ending mess of spreadsheets and manual processes.

Breakthrough Insight: Imagine having an HRMS (Human Resource Management System) that automates these mundane tasks. Yes, it’s possible! By embracing HR software solutions, we can free up our time to focus on what truly matters — our mission. These tools can streamline payroll, benefits administration, and time tracking, making everything more efficient and less error-prone.

Governance: Navigating the Regulatory Maze

Governance is a big deal in the NFP sector. Increased government oversight means our board trustees have more responsibilities and visibility than ever. Mismanagement of funds and private benefits are constant concerns. Plus, the ever-changing HR and payroll regulations can make your head spin. Keeping up with licences, accreditations, and compliance requirements feels like running a never-ending marathon.

Pro Tip: Enter compliance management systems. These cloud-based wonders stay updated with the latest regulations, ensuring we’re always in the clear. Pair this with learning and development platforms to keep teams educated and compliant. Cloud-hosted SaaS Learning Management Systems (LMS) can manage staff training seamlessly. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also compliance!

Performance Shortfalls: The Productivity Puzzle

Poor performers can sometimes hide in the shadows on larger teams. However, underperformance hits hard and fast in the NFP world with tight budgets and small teams. Without a solid performance management process or a learning and development strategy, managing underperformance and recognising star performers is a herculean task.

Motivational Nugget: Performance management SaaS tools are game-changers. They boost productivity and engagement through continuous feedback and goal alignment. Imagine a system streamlining the appraisal process with pre-built goals and development objectives. It’s not just about managing performance; it’s about transforming it.

Attracting and Retaining Talent: The Great Balancing Act

Our success hinges on attracting and retaining quality staff, volunteers, donors, and members. But here’s the kicker: economic uncertainty and declining government funding make offering competitive salaries a real challenge. A 2017 study found that NFP professionals with five years of experience earned 18–25% less than their public sector counterparts. Finding passionate candidates willing to forgo higher salaries in the corporate world? Tough doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Actionable Advice: Let’s leverage technology to maximise our recruitment efforts. SaaS recruitment and applicant tracking systems (ATS) can streamline hiring and provide a seamless candidate experience. It’s about building organisational capability and finding those rare gems who share our passion and vision.

Managing Culture Change: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

As our population becomes more diverse, we must adapt to changing demographics — from age to cultural diversity. Staying relevant means driving change from within and ensuring our organisations reflect the communities we serve. But tracking employee sentiment and driving cultural change without adequate resources? That’s a tall order.

Empowerment Tip: SaaS survey tools are our best friends here. They help us conduct and manage staff surveys throughout the employee lifecycle, giving us invaluable insights into employee attitudes and opinions. These tools are essential, especially during times of flux when burnout and rising demands threaten our workforce.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future

Friends, the NFP sector is at a crossroads. We face numerous HR-related challenges but have a unique opportunity to revolutionise our approach with technology. By embracing cloud-based, integrated systems, we can enhance employee engagement, address skills shortages, ensure compliance, attract and retain high-performing workers, and streamline time-consuming HR processes.

It’s time to challenge traditional practices and embrace innovative solutions. Let’s transform our HR functions and amplify our impact. The future is bright, and we can make it even brighter together. Keep pushing boundaries, stay passionate, and remember—technology is our ally in this incredible journey.

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Karl Wood is a global HR and employment professional with an impeccable record of delivering HR solutions for industry-leading firms. Known for his characteristic creativity, Karl champions ideas that promote growth, profit, and a positive organisational identity.



Karl Wood

Karl Wood is a global HR Director known for championing ideas that promote growth, profit, social value and positive organisational identities.